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Can You Install Thermal Insulation by Yourself? Which Type Should You Choose?

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With the current extreme heat, installing thermal insulation has become a popular option to help reduce the temperature inside your home. A common question many people ask is whether it's possible to install thermal insulation by themselves and, if so, which type of insulation is best. Today, we'll cover these questions.

Can You Install Thermal Insulation by Yourself? Plus, Preparation Tips

Nowadays, many households are turning to highly flexible, lightweight, and durable thermal insulation. Especially for smaller homes, if you're thinking of installing it yourself, it’s quite easy to do. This can help you save money, not only on the purchase of the insulation but also by avoiding the cost of hiring a professional. Here's what to look for in insulation that can be installed by yourself:

  • Lightweight

  • High quality

  • Effective at blocking heat, capable of reducing the temperature by 3-5°C

  • Hard to break


High-quality, lightweight thermal insulation should ideally be made from a special type of synthetic rubber. This type of insulation is highly flexible and can easily bend to fit the contours of your roof. It's also lightweight, making it easy to install on your own. Moreover, this type of insulation isn't just for reducing the temperature in the room. It can also serve as soundproofing, enhancing the quality of live streams, audio recordings, and preventing sound from entering or leaving the space.

Preparation Tips for Installing Thermal Insulation on Your Own

  • Inspect the area to be insulated to ensure it's in good condition.

  • Check for signs of pests or insects in the installation area.

  • Wear protective clothing to avoid direct contact with the insulation.

  • Ensure that all electrical wiring is properly secured to increase safety during installation.


However, if you're concerned that DIY installation might not be perfect, we also offer a professional thermal insulation installation service. If you're interested, feel free to consult with our team for more information and assistance in choosing the right type of insulation for your needs.




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