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RockWool Safe 'n' Sound

Let's look at the insulation used inside the house. How do we use it? What are the advantages of RockWool insulation that are different from other brands?

First of all, I would like everyone to watch a video clip demonstrating how RockWool insulation can prevent fire, sound and humidity or flooding.

In the clip mentioning 7 reasons why I choose to use RockWool insulation for my house.

1. Easy to install

2.No pollution

3.vapor open

4. Not spreading fire

rockwool heat endurance
ฉนวนสามารถทนเปลวเพลิงได้ในระดับอุณหภูมิมากกว่า 1,000 องศาเซลเซียส

5. Sound-absorbing

noise reducer
noise testing when open vacuum cleaner

noise reducer tester
after go up stair

6. Easy to renovate or remodel

7. Waterproof insulation, moisture proof

rockwool Waterproof insulation
Waterproof insulation, moisture proof


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